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With 25 years of working in the world of indie film behind me, I love helping filmmakers and other creatives to achieve the right mindset, take consistent actions, and move toward their visions and goals.


Holistic Approach

Our sense of satisfaction and well-being needs to rest on a foundation of balance, connection and self-care. Fulfilling a big dream does require sacrifices, but it also requires that we keep our body, mind and spirit in excellent condition. Step one in moving toward your best life is developing great work habits while taking gentle, consistent actions toward maximizing physical health, finding time to socialize, play, rest and sleep, and sharpening your ability to focus the mind.



Studies have shown that our ability to focus requires consistent training, much like going to the gym. I am a big proponent of the concept of “Deep Work” as described by Cal Newport in his book by that name. The ability to filter out distractions and access a level of deep focus on a regular basis is a big part of what allows artists to realize their vision and to excel in their field. Giving the conscious mind down-time, so the subconscious mind can work on problem-solving, is another key to high-level achievement.



For an artist it’s crucial to connect with raw inspiration on a regular basis, and yet the vulnerability of expressing our vision — even just to ourselves — can be painful, bringing up deep insecurities, self-judgment and shame. Sharing our work with the public can feel overwhelming, even paralyzing. Procrastination and compulsive hiding are common roadblocks for sensitive, gifted people. We will work together to relieve the pressure, to move forward and gradually move into visibility.



An important factor in improving self-confidence and moving into a more effective and prosperous mindset is how we manage our personal relationships. We have an opportunity to let supportive people get close, let ourselves accept help from others, knowing that we can always modulate how much of ourselves we are willing to share. We also have an opportunity to step back from compulsively seeking attention and approval from people who might be charming, charismatic or authoritative but aren’t that available for healthy connection.



One of the biggest obstacles to moving forward toward our visions and goals is the tendency to get stuck in our heads, plotting and planning and trying to figure things out. While it’s helpful to have a (flexible) blueprint, the best way to move forward is with gentle, consistent action. There can be times when it’s helpful to head out to a cabin in the woods for a weekend and power through a draft of a screenplay or manuscript, but there’s incredible power in just taking small, consistent daily actions. We will work together to determine the next actions for you to take, moving you incrementally closer to your goals.

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